Amines NCERT Solutions: Your Path to Chemistry Excellence Unveiled 23 Right Now

Amines NCERT Solutions: Your Path to Chemistry Excellence Unveiled 23 Right Now

Amines NCERT Solutions: Your Path to Chemistry Excellence Unveiled. In this blog, the 5th practical of the chemistry of B.Sc first-year major subject has been given. How to write it in the file has been told. This practice is of organic chemistry in which functional groups are present in organic compounds How do you recognize it in the lab?

Amines NCERT Solutions: Your Path to Chemistry Excellence Unveiled

Required Apparatus and Materials:-

Beaker, test tube, distilled water, filter paper, ignition tube, test tube stand, etc.

Observation Table

Serial No.Experimentobservationresult
1.Dye Test: – Micro amount (.2 gm) of substance is added to 2 ml conc. Dissolved in HCl, add 2 ml water, and cool the solution. Add 2 ml NaNO2 to it. Then add a few drops of alkaline beta naphthol to itred Dye is formedWhich confirms the amines.


In the given organic compound, amine groups are present.

Identify 2 Acidic And 2 Basic Radical From The Given Inorganic Mixture.

All Logos Pictures: Logo Download

इस वेबसाइट पर बी.एससी. प्रथम से लेकर बी.एससी. तृतीय वर्ष chemistry के सारे टॉपिक और प्रैक्टिकल, आल सिलेबस,इम्पोर्टेन्ट प्रशन,सैंपल पेपर, नोट्स chemistry QUIZ मिलेंगे.B.SC.प्रथम वर्ष से लेकर तृतीय वर्ष तक के 20-20 QUESTION के हल मिलेंगे.

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